01983 666504 info@daiow.co.uk

The Inclusivity Fund

What is the Inclusivity Fund?

Set up by Diamond Adventures, the goal of the Inclusivity Fund is to enable local Isle of Wight students from all backgrounds to be able to experience School and youth group trips and for no-one to miss out on trips that create life long memories for children.

Each academic school year we will use the Inclusivity Fund for up to 20 trips that are booked with Diamond Adventures, the amount donated from the inclusivity fund will be deducted from the school’s trip invoice, it is up to the school if they wish to deduct this evenly across the entire group traveling or some may decide to target those on the trip who may be more in need of more assistance i.e. those who already receive free school meals.

Annual Fund Target
Annual number of trips fund will contribute to
Potential number of students helped by fund

Why donate to the fund?

Social Media

When your business initially donates to the Diamond Adventures “Inclusivity Fund” we will post across our social media which can then be re-shared by your business. We will also add your business logo to our website home page as a supporter of the Diamond Adventures Inclusivity Fund.

Additionally every trip ran by Diamond Adventures using funding from the Inclusivity Fund will have a photograph taken with the group holding a large banner featuring the logos of businesses who have donated to the Inclusivity Fund which again will be posted on our Social Media and the School/Youth Group’s social media pages which your company can re-share. This means your £250.00 donation can mean over 20 social media posts.

Feel Good Factor!

By donating to the Diamond Adventures inclusivity fund you would be joining 11 other Island businesses to enable 20 trips to be run by local schools and youth groups, based on an average class size of 30 this would mean your donation is helping 600 local Isle of Wight students to not miss out on trips.   

How can I donate to the fund?

We are looking for 12 local Island businesses who are willing to donate £250.00 to the Diamond Adventures inclusivity fund to total £3,000.00

This fund will be spread evenly across 20 trips through the academic year to make sure children do not miss out on the opportunity of going on School and Youth group trips.

As an example a school sightseeing trip to London may normally cost a child up to £39.00 but with the inclusivity fund divided evenly across a class of 30 this would be reduced to £34.00, equivalent to a 15% reduction.

If you would be interested in sponsoring the Diamond Adventures inclusivity fund please do not hesitate to get in touch.